Sunday, September 20, 2009

Five ways to ***** AVOID CANCER

* Quit Smoking :

This should be a given by now. If you are still smoking then you should just close this window Because whatever else you do for your health is practically a waste of time. If you do not stop smoking, tips one to four are useless.
There are all kinds of excuses for smoking and not quitting - stress, lazy, habit, too hard ... whatever. I have a friend who is 22 and just been through six months of chemotherapy. If you think quitting is hard go visit the people in the cancer ward to your local hospital who now wish they quit. Dying of smoking related illnesses is a very painful way to go.

** Forget about stressing :

We all know the mind and the body have a strong connection but the effect that stress has on your body is almost visible. When you get stressed all sort of things happen inside you. You can get constipated, sleepless, headaches - all variety of physical manifestions.
What you need to remember is that stress is all in your mind and you can control your mind. Positive thinking and mental toughness really go a long way when you decide that you need to relax.
A great meditation technique that will help you kill stress is two stressed simply watch your thoughts arise. Do not try to get rid of them or squash them. Do not label them as good or bad. Just watch them. When you do this you will find they have less power and will dissolve much faster

*** Eat fruit as a whole meal :

Humans were meant to eat fruit. The huge array of fruits available to us contain all the vitamins and minerals that we need not only two detox and clean our system, but two survive. We could eat nothing but fruit and be healthy, I am sure of this.
If you want to live longer try making your breakfast and morning tea consist solely of fruits. You will find you have better energy and a much healthier immune system. When I eat like this I manage two Avoid the Cold and flux going around. Many of the world's oldest people have said that they rarely caught cold so this must have something to it.

**** Eat more fiber :

If your poo is not right then your life expectancy will not be either. What you do in the toilet is a great indication of how healthy you are.
Other than breast cancer (women) and prostate cancer (but) it is bowel cancer that kills the most people. One of the most simple ways to avoid this cancer is to eat more fiber and keep your digestion healthy.
The best way to do this is to eat lots of vegetables and fruits, drink lots of water, eat some whole grain cereals and avoid highly processed foods like chips, pizza and burgers. Your poo Should be comfortable two push-out, long and it should make a nice "swoosh" sound as it hits the water. Healthy poo is healthy bowel.

***** Sleep right :

Sleep is the hour when the mind processes the day's activities and the body deals with the toxins and other nasty things going on in your body. Your muscle tissue repairs contest at this time.
If you want to live longer you should get to more than five hours and less than nine hours of sleep a night. Yep, that's right. Studies have shown that over sleeping can be just as harmful to your health as during sleeping. Find a time that works for you and stick to it everyday - even on weekends.

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