Friday, January 1, 2010

Skin Cancer - Frankincense and Other Essential Oils

Here is a testimonial for Frankincense Oil:

• " just wanted to share more about Frankincense. My Dad tried it for his COPD and was very surprised with the effects. We were talking about what he called cancer on his face and top of ears and he was saying that he'd have to go have it cut off again. I just mentioned that he try some of his Frankincense. It's been about a week and half, and last night he started telling me how he was telling his friend that he had these things on the side of his face and on top of his ears. THEN, he said "I started putting my oil on them and one is gone and the other I can barely feel" he is starting to trust and believe in the oils. He is a very cautious man so I was a little surprised he even tried it. Sometimes we just have to be patient.

I have seen several testimonials for frankincense oil. Whenever you talk about "essential oils," the first manufacturer that should come to mind is "Young Living." They create therapeutic-grade essential oils, not the perfume-grade oils normally found in retail and wholesale distribution.

(Note: Some health practitioners import high quality essential oils made in other countries.)
The current protocol for treating skin cancer is the following (using a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of the two oils):

1) Frankincense with Idaho Balsam Fir (3 days)

2) Frankincense with Tsuga (3 days)

3) Frankincense with Ledum (3 days)

4) Frankincense with Lavender (3 days)

5) Frankincense with clove, which may make the skin burn, so skip this step for cancer on the face (3 days)

6) Frankincense with Sandalwood (3 days)

7) Repeat cycle as needed.

The exact number of times the oils should be put on the skin cancer is up to the patient and their situation, but may range from 3 to 12 times a day.

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