Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How effective is homeopathy in the treatment of cancer

In the US, most alternative health care professionals use homeopathy in combination with other approaches (nutritional and immune system support, diet and detoxification programs, etc), so it's not typically considered as a primary or stand-alone therapy for cancer. However, when used correctly, and in combination with necessary therapies, it can be an amazingly powerful tool for empowering someone to heal themselves of cancer. There are many cases in homeopathic literature (from other countries where homeopathy is more commonly used for cancer) in which the correct homeopathic recommendation resulted in the resolution of tumors, reversal of the cancer process, and recovery by the patient.

Also, homeopathy has an excellent track record in the treatment of animals with cancer and there is much anecdotal evidence that certain remedies (when correctly selected) are effective in reversing the cancer process.

Much of the success with homeopathy, however, depends on the skill level of the practitioner and the resources of the patient to heal on all levels.

Specific Homeopathic Remedies for Cancer

One of the most frequently. recommended homeopathic remedies for cancer is Arsenicum Album.

Arsenicum Album is a primary remedy for cancer and is often recommended for individuals with terminal cancer that are entering into the death process. It helps the individual confront and deal with their fear of death - feelings of being stuck in limbo, not knowing what lies ahead, not knowing what to expect, feeling terrified of the transition, afraid to let go of their life. When used appropriately, it can be a powerful tool for assisting individuals in coming to greater peace about the death process, enabling them to embrace the transition with greater spiritual centeredness.

Arsenicum Album is also of great value to individuals that have just been diagnosed with cancer and are gripped with profound fear - fear of cancer, fear that they will never get better, fear of death, fear of not having enough money to sustain the treatment,
fear of not getting the needed medical care. In this state, the individual sees the cancer as being bigger than themselves and bigger than their own ability to heal themselves. They feel powerless over the cancer, seeing it as being 100 feet tall and seeing themselves as being very small.

This is not to say that the fears that come with a cancer diagnosis are not justified, but that these fears in an of themselves severely weaken the immune system of the cancer individual. By taking Arsenicum Album (when indicated), it can help the individual reconnect with a greater spiritual center, such that they see themselves and their immune system as being bigger than the cancer.

Arsenicum album may also be indicated for family members and friends that are gripped with these same types of fears - terror that their family member will die, that there are no therapies available, that the situation is out of control, that a new or different doctor is needed, that people are not taking the situation seriously enough. In these cases, Arsenicum Album can help the individual let go of some of these fears, making it easier for them to affirm the ability of their friend or family member to heal themselves.

On a physical level, Arsenicum Album helps the body release fear and tension held in the kidneys, adrenals, and nervous system. This sometimes correlates with the detoxification of the heavy metal arsenic from these areas as well.

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